24 September 2005

Even more DC update

I am finally making the trip later in the morning. So far, American Airlines still shows no delays for my flights going through Dallas. I hope they will bring me into DC safely and on time.

So here it is - my first, and probably only, opportunity to be part of a major DC-based protest. I'll miss the march, which will be 7-8 hours from now. But I'll be able to catch, assuming my flights run on time, the tail end of the Operation Ceasefire concerts, with Le Tigre performing at midnight - even though I don't know a thing about Le Tigre, the thought of me being there already gets me excited. The Peace and Justice Festival tomorrow, where I'll meet with Democracy Cell Project, Code Pink, and other groups, will energize me for continued activism at home. And I hope to be part of the legislative lobby delegation on Monday to top it all off.

This will be a wonderful trip, and my best opportunity yet to show to the world my displeasure with the W regime.

Now, I just need to make sure that I - not my father - will make the drive to the airport. That way, of course, I will be able to stop to swap the guy clothes currently in my baggage (ugh!) for the clothes I really need to wear, including the pink miniskirt suit (the same one I'm wearing in the blog photo) that both Democracy Cell Project and Code Pink are expecting me to wear tomorrow. I'll be devastated if I don't get to make the swap.

Hopefully I'll be able to blog from Dallas - Ft. Worth Airport, where the whole airport is WiFi-enabled. Otherwise, I'll be checking in from DC.