12 July 2005

Some news items

I just read a few news articles, posted on the Democracy Cell Project blog by various contributors.

The first, and a very disturbing news, is the proposal for a permanent Patriot Act. The original act was quickly passed in the post-9/11 hysteria, by lawmakers who were afraid of looking and acting weak. By authorizing surveillance activities of ordinary Americans without court orders, it weakened the civil rights and liberties of ordinary Americans - even as the terrorists keep making off with American greenbacks thanks to Bush's cozy relations with Saudi Arabia. The new Patriot Act will expand surveillance to individuals not affiliated with terrorist groups or nations; in other words, anyone the Bush regime dislikes. Its sponsor is Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-WI), who turned off the microphone when the Patriot Act debates didn't go his way. This suppression of free speech is the hallmark of Republicanism - after all, we are talking about the party that actively supported Third World dictatorships (including notables such as Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega) and called it "spreading freedom."

Second, Bush expresses confidence in his advisor Karl Rove. This is a criminal who leaked the name of an undercover CIA agent when her husband made statements contradicting Bush's Iraq war plans. This is punishable by ten years in federal prison. Rove is also responsible for single-handedly helping turn Christianity from a religion of compassion into a mean-spirited, destructive, deadly political movement. In fact, Rove is pretty much responsible for Bush's election, re-election, and the tarnishing of Democratic opponents, using illegal tactics and spreading lies to the public when the truth and legitimacy would not work. Rove must be jailed now. It is also about time that the Democrats started looking for a political operative who can outmatch Rove's wiles.

This is it for now. I have other topics that I wish to discuss - such as Third World immigrants' support for the Republican dictatorship because that's what they are used to from their home countries - but I will do so at a later time.