11 October 2005

October 10th is not so giddy anymore...

I've just been told that my grandmother has passed away. I've sent my mother to the funeral.

I liked her. Even though she grew up in an era when education for upper-class women was unthinkable, and therefore never learned to read, she was nevertheless bright enough to navigate the complicated New York City subway system on her own, without understanding a word of English. She was one of the many nameless yet bright women who have graced my mother's family, and her genes have ensured that my cousins - especially females - ended up being just as bright.

I still remember trying to teach her how to read, 20 years ago. Of course, back then, I never thought that adults could be illiterate, so I didn't really do a good job, and she never got to read...

Now this leaves me without any living grandparents. Officially I am getting old...