30 August 2008

Melissa Etheridge

Just came back from a wonderful evening with Melissa Etheridge, at Los Angeles's Greek Theatre. It was a nice way to end an otherwise stressful week, as withdrawal symptoms from discontinuing a bad medication has clobbered me mentally all week.

"All-American Girl," one of the tracks from the Yes I Am album, started things off, as Melissa performed her playlist in the format of her life story, from moving to Los Angeles in 1982 through her recent bout with cancer. Most of my favorite numbers, as well as a few numbers I hadn't heard of (including one live-only number) were played.

I'm so glad that I was able to mingle with a large crowd and enjoy myself; the crowd itself was well-mixed, including many straights and men, though overwhelmingly white. Lots of gorgeous lesbians tonight.

Kari Steele, the midday DJ at KBIG-FM (104.3), did a pre-show talk about how Melissa gets better with each passing tour, and I felt that she was indeed on the money.

Toward the latter part of the show, things got quite patriotic and political, as Melissa sang a number that was about Barack Obama; the crowd cheered wildly. I could also see an Obama pin on Melissa's guitar strap.

Looking forward to another Melissa concert in the future, certainly - and preferably during Obama's presidential term. Until then - lesbian power, baby!