Apparently, and fortunately, the fight for marriage equality in California is far from over.
AP via Yahoo!
Activists - not only gay couples themselves, but more likely sympathetic straights - picketed several megachurches throughout California yesterday. The clergy in churches that opposed Proposition 8 have given sermons that stated that it was very shameful for the Christian establishment to drag itself through the mud in order to deny some people full equality under the law. Even the Governator stated his disappointment at Prop 8's passage, saying that it will eventually be repealed, like California's previous laws that had banned interracial and interfaith marriages.
There had been Facebook-based calls for some of these demonstrations, most notably at Irvine's Saddleback Church, whose clergy had been outspoken in their support of Prop 8. The Mormons also got the brunt of the anger. I had suggested, however, that nonwhite churches, particularly the Korean-speaking megachurches, needed to be targeted just as hard as their white counterparts, as immigrants shall no longer be allowed to get away with rampant homophobia under the guise of political correctness. I backed myself up with my personal observations, both from the Korean-American community in Southern California (where Prop 8 enjoyed very strong support) and from Seoul (where Prop 8, at least to those who know California politics, seemed more like a bad, very un-American idea).
When I return to Los Angeles, and start joining some of these protests (particularly at my Unitarian church, which had strongly supported the legalization of gay marriage in the first place), I shall feel more empowered. I'll make sure to show up in my new Hyundai, instead of my current BMW, to prove the point. I'll also give the spirit of Kwan Yin a strong push, to debunk the theocrats' narrow definitions of "man" and "woman" that are used in Prop 8.