I just obtained a free account at WireImage.com, which allows me to use their photos from the last 30 days, in medium size, and with their watermark on it. Not too great, but this is the best free route to go with celebrity pictures. (Besides, if I get the larger, watermark-free paid pictures, most likely I won't be able to use them on this blog anyway.)
And here's the first picture I am using from them.
It's Debra Messing, arriving today at the Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York, for tonight's Late Show with David Letterman. (To think about it, all four of my Fashion Corners so far are set in NYC.)
And this is the first one where I actually like the outfit, and would like to be seen in something similar myself. Debra looks stunning, from the long brown hair to the white coat to the polka dot dress to the scarf. Even her heels add to, not detract from, her whole setup.
Even the assistant to Debra's right is dressed well, in a corporate-looking black pantsuit.
All in all, a nice way to end the successful run of Will and Grace.
I'll be scouring WireImage for more fashion dos and don'ts.
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